A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2390

Chapter 2390


After a moment, Laura responded, her voice barely above a whisper, “That’s not true.”

The woman scoffed.

“Are you denying your mother’s past, or that you’re an illegitimate child, Miss Thomas? I don’t mean to be rude, but you seem to ask for it.”

Laura’s complexion paled.

With a trembling voice, she said, “I didn’t get to choose my parents.”

Laura was naturally introverted and sensitive, having endured harsh judgments from the world. Yet, she had found strength in Edwin’s support. She was determined to prove her worth, to show that she, Laura Evans, deserved to be with Edwin.

She didn’t want to retreat or hide because of cruel words.

She believed she needed to stand strong to be a worthy partner for Edwin.

Speaking with a quiet resolve, Laura insisted, “You’re free to cancel your order, but the cancellation fee as per our contract is 280, 000.

That amount is due.”

Edwin watched silently from a distance.

He understood Laura’s struggle and her desire to assert herself.

He knew she was maturing, growing stronger in her resolve.

Angela’s Library

Their future together was long, and he didn’t want to clip her wings and confine her to his side forever. He would always protect her, but at the same time, he also wanted her to be brave enough to face these challenges on her own.

The woman’s voice grew louder and more accusatory.

“You are indeed shameless, expecting payment for a canceled order! I refuse to pay for something I’m not taking!”

Laura maintained her composure, her face pale but resolute.

“We’ve signed the contract. If you do not pay the agreed amount, Mrs. Scott, I will have to pursue Legal action.”

In an unexpected twist, Laura, who was often reserved, found her backbone in that defining moment.

The woman fixed her gaze on Laura, and after an extended beat, she sneered.

“Normally, you’re the quiet type, but today you’re bringing the thunder. I’ve underestimated you!”

With a hint of reluctance, the woman fished a check from her purse, scribbling one for a hefty 280, 000.

“Take it and hit the road,” she ordered.

Laura accepted the check, summoning a newfound boldness as she rose.

